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(Performed Solos & Duets)

Bach, Johann Sebastian

(1685- 1750)

Christ unser Herr zum Jordan kam, BWV 7 Die Elenden sollen essen, BWV 75

Die Himmel erzählen die Ehre Gottes, BWV 76 Part 2
Ein Herz, das seinen Jesum lebend weiss, BWV 134
Erfreut euch, ihr Herzen, BWV 66
Erschallet, ihr Lieder, BWV 172
Gott, der Herr, ist Sonn und Schild, BWV 79

Himmelskönig, sei willkommen, BWV 182
Ich will den Kreuzstab gerne tragen, BWV 56
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245, St. John Passion
Laß, Furstin, lasß noch einen Strahl, BWV 98

Lobet Gott in seinen Reichen, BWV 11, Himmelfahrts-Oratorium, Ascension Oratorio
Magnificat in D-Dur, BWV 243, Magnificat in D Major
Matthäus-Passion, BWV 244, St. Matthew Passion
Meine Seufzer Meine Tränen, BWV 13
Nach dir, Herr, verlanget mich, BWV.150

Wahrlich, wahrlich, ich sage euch, BWV 86
Weihnachts-Oratorium, BWV 248, 
Christmas Oratorio

Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen, BWV 12

Wir danken dir, Gott, BWV 29

Wo soll ich fliehen hin, BWV 5

Bernstein, Leonard


Chichester Psalms (1965)

Binchois, Giles 


Mon seul et souverain désir
Triste Plaisir et douloureuse Joye

Blow, John


Tell Me No More You Love from Amphion Anglicus
The Self Banished

Bonds, Margaret


Ezek’el Saw the Wheel
Hold On
Joshua Fit da Battle of Jericho

Brahms, Johannes

(1833 – 1897)

Die Boten der Liebe, No. 4 Vier Duettte Für Sopran und Alt mit Kalvier, Op. 61 (1847)
Die Schwestern, No. 1
Klosterfraulein, No. 2
Phanomen, No. 3

Britten, Benjamin

(1913 -1976)

An Evening Hymn, Realization of Henry Purcell
Lord, what is man, Realization of Henry Purcell
We sing to Him, Realization of Henry Purcell

Burleigh, Harry Thacker


Ev’ry Time I Feel the Spirit
Go Down Moses
My Lord What a Mornin’
Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child
Steal Away
Wade in de Water

Buxtehude, Dieterich

Membra Jesu Nostri, BuxWV 75


Byrd, William

Why do I use my paper, ink, and pen?

(1538 -1623)

Carissimi, Giovanni


Campra, André


Historia di Jephte

Insere Domine

​Chastelain, Charles


Campion, Thomas

(1567 – 1620)

Je Ne Desire Que La Mort

Come, Let Us Sound with Melody
In Darkness Let Me Dwell
Miserere My Maker

Dowland, John

(1563 – 1626)

Come Again: Sweet Love Doth Now Invite
Come Heavy Sleep
Fine Knacks for Ladies
Flow, My Tears (Lacrimae)
Go Nightly Cares
In Darkness Let Me Dwell
Three Ravens
Time Stands Still
Woeful heart

Fauré, Gabriel


Les berceaux

Ghizeghem, Hayne van


Handel, George Frederic

(1685 – 1759)

De tous bien plaine

Blessed are they that fear the Lord

But who may abide the day of his coming?, HWV 56, Messiah

He was despised

He shall feed his folk

How beautiful are the feet?

If God be for us

O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion

Thou art gone up on high

Impious wretch, of race accurst! HWV 53, Saul

Jonathan his bow never drew

O King, your favours with delight

O Lord, whose mercies numberless

Such haughty beauties

Your words, O King

Die ihr aus dunklen Grüften, HWV 208, from the Nine German Arias

Süße Stille, sanfte Quelle, HWV 205, from the Nine German Arias

Se il cor mai ti dirà, HWV 3, Orlando

Verdi allori

Vorrei poterti amar

The soft complaining flute, HWV 76, Ode for St. Cecilia’s Day

Hogan, Moses

(1685 – 1759)

Deep River
Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child

Howells, Herbert


A Girl’s Song, No. 4, Four Songs Op. 22
A Madrigal, No. 2
The Widow Bird , No. 3
There was a Maiden, No. 4
King David
O, my deir hert (Cradle Song)
Upon A Summer’s Day

Lambert, Michel


Vos mèpris chaque jour

Lagrenzi, Giovanni


Lloyd, Jr., Charles

Ave regina coelorum

Ol’ Time Religion
City Called Heaven


Mendelssohn, Felix

(1809 – 1847)

​Abendlied, No. 2, Drei Volkslieder (1836-1938)
Wasserfahrt, No. 3
Wie kann ich froh und lustig sein?, No. 1
Das Ährenfeld, No. 2, Drei Zweistimmige Lieder, Op. 77 (1848)
Lied aus Ruy Blas, No. 3
Sonntagsmorgen, No. 1

Mendelssohn Hensel, Fanny

(1805 – 1847)

​Mein Liebchen, wir saßen beisammen, H.362
Schlafe du, schlafe du süß, H.233
Wenn ich in deine Augen sehe, H.329

Monteverdi, Claudio

(1567- 1643)

Beatus vir, SV 268, Salva morale e spiritual
Chiome d’oro, bel thesoro, SV 143
Gloria, SV 258, Salva morale e spiritual
Interrotte speranze, SV 132
Se i languidi miei sguardi, SV 141, Lettera amorosa

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus


Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista

(1567- 1643)

Purcell, Henry

(1659 – 1695)

Mass in C Major. KV 317, Coronation Mass

Stabat Mater, P. 77

For Every Creature
From Tyrannic Love, Ah! How Sweet It Is To Love
Hark, How the Songsters
Here the Deities Approve, Welcome to All the Pleasures, Z. 339
I Attempt from Love’s Sickness
In Vain the Am’rous Flute
Let Us Wander
Lord, What Is Man, A Divine Hymn
Lost Is My Quiet
Now That the Sun Hath Veiled His Light, An Evening Hymn
O Dive Custos
O Solitude, My Sweetest Choice

Oh, the Sweet Delights of Love

Shepherd, Leave Decoying Sound the Trumpet, Come Ye Sons of Art, Z 323 Strike the Viol
Sound the Trumpet, The Duke of Gloucester’s Birthday Ode
The Fatal Hour Come on Apace

Vouchsafe, O Lord, Te Deum Laudamus, Z. 232
We Sing to Him, Whose Wisdom Form’d the Ear, Z. 199

Scarlatti, Alessandro

(1660- 1725)

Delizie contente, Giasone

Già il sole dal Gange

Perchè tacete, regolati concenti? H. 551

Scarlatti, Domenico

(1685 – 1757)

Schütz, Heinrich

(1585 -1967)

Salve Regina

Da Jesus an dem Kreuze stund, SWV 478
Die Geburt unsers Herren Jesu Christi, SWV 435,


Sowerby, Leo

(1895- 1968)

I will lift up mine eyes

Telemann, Georg Philipp


Williams, Ralph Vaughan


Grossmut, TWV 20:28

Procris, No. 1, Four Last Songs
Hands, Eyes, and Heart, No. 3
Menelaus, No. 4
Tired, No. 2
The Water Mill

Vivaldi, Antonio

(1678 -1741)

Gloria, RV 588
Introduzione al Miserere “Filiae maestae Jerusalem,” RV 638
Magnificat, RV 610
Stabat Mater, RV 621
Vos invito Barbarae faces, RV 811

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